Thursday, May 27, 2010

Connect to Your Voice

Making a connection to yourself is probably not the first thing that comes to mind when you think of having singing lessons, you probably think about the diaphragm and scales. However throughout my time as a professional singer and singing teacher I have found that it is the most important factor.

When people come to see me for lessons they usually tell me a few things they would like to change about their voices. Some common ones are - my voice is weak, I want it to be stronger, I loose my voice a lot, I freak out when I go to sing in front of others, people don't like my voice, or I don't like my voice ect. These problems are very common and I have experienced pretty much all of them myself at different times in my career.

On my journey through life and discovering my own voice I have dug a little deeper and come to realise that my voice is an expression of me! My instrument, (my larynx) is inside my body. Therefore, it reflects out what I am inside. How I feel about myself and how I feel in my body is most important and this is what people will hear. How silly is it that we nearly all think we can avoid this? 

For example, if we are holding back in our lives, not embracing our full selves, contracting and making ourselves small, concerned about what others think, this will be reflected in our voices and will result in some kind of lessening of the quality of sound we could otherwise produce. If on the other hand we are in the habit of being imposing towards others, trying to get attention, being pushy etc, this will also be reflected out in our expression. All of these things feel disharmonious in the body and will have a disharmonious affect when expressed out as the sound we make.

When we reconnect to ourselves, we experience the beautiful feeling of the body and mind being in harmony with eachother. When this happens the body organises it's self in a way that feels wonderful. It is no longer a case of the body doing one thing and the mind thinking of something else. We are present, in real time, not anticipating or jumping ahead. We are not concerned about how we sound or what another will think of us, we are in the experience of doing one thing. Singing. When singing is done from this connection, it is virtually effortless, and the experience is truly joyful. 
To find out more about Singing Lessons in Melbourne follow this link.

Rachael Kane runs the Connected Voice on St Kilda Rd in Melbourne
She takes private and group classes
For more info contact Rachael on - 0416 967 880
Or see the website